Alma de Mujer's address is 13621 FM 2769, Austin, TX 78726. The phone number to the Lodge is 512-258-3880 and is only in use during events. (Please do not leave messages.) To book an event, see CONTACT.
Directions to Alma de MujerTo reach Alma from South Austin, go north on Mopac.
Exit at 2222 and make a left hand turn (going west).
Cross FM 620 and continue west (street name becomes Bullick Hollow Rd) about 3 miles to the T intersection.
Turn right on FM 2769 (Volente Rd.)
Go 4/10 mile to Alma de Mujer.
Look for turquoise mailbox on the right.
Turn right and proceed down the driveway.
To reach Alma from North Austin, go west on Anderson Mill Rd. about a mile past FM 620.
Turn left on FM 2769 (Volente Rd.)
Go 2.1 miles to Alma de Mujer.
Look for turquoise mailbox on the left (past entrance to Travaasa Austin formerly known as The Crossings Retreat.)
Turn left and proceed down the driveway.
Directions to Alma de MujerTo reach Alma from South Austin, go north on Mopac.
Exit at 2222 and make a left hand turn (going west).
Cross FM 620 and continue west (street name becomes Bullick Hollow Rd) about 3 miles to the T intersection.
Turn right on FM 2769 (Volente Rd.)
Go 4/10 mile to Alma de Mujer.
Look for turquoise mailbox on the right.
Turn right and proceed down the driveway.
To reach Alma from North Austin, go west on Anderson Mill Rd. about a mile past FM 620.
Turn left on FM 2769 (Volente Rd.)
Go 2.1 miles to Alma de Mujer.
Look for turquoise mailbox on the left (past entrance to Travaasa Austin formerly known as The Crossings Retreat.)
Turn left and proceed down the driveway.